[Cu]re: Your Fatigue

by Morley M. Robbins

[Cu]re: Your Fatigue will help you unravel the story of copper, magnesium, iron & ceruloplasmin and how their interactions have been intended by nature to maintain our health. Available in both Paperback and eBook.

If you are suffering from persistent fatigue then you’ve been misled and misfed.

We have witnessed an unparalleled amount of misinformation about the foods, the nutrients and the focus that our diet should take to ensure our health and well-being.

We have endured 65 years of debate re cholesterol only to learn that it is IRON that causes the cholesterol to rust and form plaque in our arteries. We never realized the scale of Iron fortification that has pummeled our bodies since World War II. But cholesterol is only one of a series of myths that have Misled and Misfed us on a global scale…


If you are suffering from persistent fatigue then you’ve been ‘misled and misfed’...
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In [Cu]re: Your Fatigue, you will learn exactly how iron steals energy and why chronic fatigue and anemia are not due to an iron ‘deficiency’, despite what doctors and modern medicine have told you. Even though practitioners rarely mention this to their patients, iron overload is now known to be a central causative factor in a wide range of disease conditions.


An over-active immune or healing response can be as simple as a mineral imbalance...
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[Cu]re: Your Fatigue contains a simple START/STOP program for ensuring that we obtain all of the vital minerals, vitamin complexes and other nutrients we require to reduce inflammation in the body for optimal health and abundant energy.


Oxidative stress AND emotional stress wreak havoc on your health and wellbeing...
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Scientific, peer-reviewed literature from around the world, though not well known in conventional medical circles, is quite clear: All disease is caused by “oxidative stress” in the body. Aggravated by emotional stress, the key to reducing both the stress placed on your body, and the acute stress response of your body lies in 3 fundamental minerals.

[Cu]re Your Fatigue

Your journey to true health starts here

Because of how devitalized our crop soil and food supply have become over the last century, it simply is no longer possible for most people to improve their health by diet alone.

Following the principles of [Cu]re Your Fatigue will ensure that you obtain all of the vital minerals, vitamins and other nutrients required for optimal health and abundant energy, while also keeping iron and oxidative stress in proper check.

Modern day health solutions that are anything but healthy

It’s often said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions…

That sentiment is certainly apt when we consider some of the mainstream lifestyle and medical recommendations from the 20th century that were meant to improve our well-being, but on the contrary, proved to be misguided, misleading and detrimental to our health.

Broadly speaking, developments in agriculture, gastronomy (the American diet), and medicine have each contributed our current “Crisis of Mineral Deficiency” by reducing the presence of key minerals in our environment and physiology.

How your body makes energy: there is more to the story

Despite all of the complex mechanisms involved in the body’s production of energy, they can all accurately be distilled down into a three-step process.

  1. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to make water.
  2. Once produced, water enables the release of copper-dependent ADP (adenosine diphosphate) that get transformed into Mg-ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in another copper-dependent step in the mitochondria.
  3. An extremely crucial key that most doctors either do not know or fully understand is how copper, via ceruloplasmin, supports these metabolic processes and prevents iron from causing the oxidants thrown off by this process from rusting out the body’s tissues and organs.

The Medical Profession's Iron-ic Blind Spot: Oxidation (aka, Rust!)

The potential root cause of your fatigue and more…

In [Cu]re: Your Fatigue, you will learn exactly how iron steals energy and why chronic fatigue and anaemia are not due to an iron ‘deficiency’, despite what doctors and modern medicine have told you. You will learn why excess iron in the tissue, not in the blood, is the major culprit that causes oxidative stress and robs us of our energy.

The sad truth is that practitioners rarely, if ever, go beyond the training and formal education they received. Therefore, they can only reply upon what they have been taught, virtually none of which explains or addresses the most basic reasons why their patients are tired and unhealthy.

Even though practitioners rarely mention this to their patients, iron overload is now known to be a central causative factor in a wide range of disease conditions, including:

Abdominal Pain


Hair Loss



Adrenal Function Problems

Cardiovascular diseases

Hepatitis C

Joint Pain



Chronic Fatigue


Liver Conditions



Cirrhosis of liver


Low Libido

Rheumatoid Arthritis




Metabolic Syndrome

Sarcopenia (muscle wasting)




Neurodegenerative diseases

Skin Color Changes

Autoimmune Disorders

Enlarged Spleen



Type 2 Diabetes

[Cu]re: Your Fatigue

by Morley M. Robbins

Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time? The answers you’ve looking for are just around the corner!

[Cu]re: Your Fatigue contains a simple START/STOP program for ensuring that we obtain all of the vital minerals, vitamin complexes and other nutrients we require for optimal health and abundant energy, while also keeping iron and oxidative stress in proper check.

The research behind [Cu]re: Your Fatigue, shows that each of the STOPS disrupts the body’s ability to create the enzymatic forms of copper that are needed to make energy. Completing the STOPS eliminates the interference created by synthetic supplements, processed foods and other factors.

Each of the STARTS enhances the effectiveness of bioavailable copper and its singular ability to harness the energy of oxygen. Copper is the only element on planet Earth that has that ability. One consistent response that people have is an increase in energy production.

 PHASE 1: Foundations

PHASE 2: Supporting Nutrients

PHASE 3: Advanced Nutrients

PHASE X: Lifestyle Upgrades

Testimonials from Readers

The innate healing knowledge in this book and in Morley’s work is a MUST read for all professional health practitioners and mankind.

Complete with actions and tools for an easy to follow path back to health, this way of healing guides you into energy abundance. This book constructs the building blocks to create a strong and vital foundation within the cellular structure of the body, mind and soul for which all else can be built upon.

Cindy Currie, ND
12 years of pouring over tens of thousands of scientific articles has culminated in this seminal work that is a true gift to mankind.

Morley as he connects the complex dots of cellular metabolism to clearly lay out a case for chronic disease being the result of chronic cellular fatigue. His grasp of the true root cause of disease surpasses that of any physician that I trained under.

Dr. Ben Edwards, MD
Learn from Morley. Follow his recommendations.

Acting upon his suggestions will do much more than boost your energy level. His protocol will recapture your health in ways you’ve been longing for.

Maria K Jinks, DC
There is priceless knowledge in this book and it has come to be because, Morley Robbins has the deepest thirst I have seen of anyone.

Morley has mastered the art of asking simple questions that are often left unasked by even the experts. By his intuitively guided method of “connecting-the-dots” we can be grateful that Morley Robbins has shared with all of us nature’s nutritional keys to regain our cellular energy and expressed it in non-technical words and a simple protocol.

Pazhayannur K. Swaminathan, PhD

About the Author

Morley M. Robbins MBA, CHC

Morley M. Robbins, MBA, CHC, is the creator of the Root Cause Protocol. Also known as “Magnesium Man”, he is one of the foremost experts on magnesium’s role in the body, and the delicate dance magnesium plays with iron, copper, and calcium. He received his BA in Biology from Denison University in Ohio and holds an MBA from George Washington University in healthcare administration, with additional concentrations in finance and marketing management. Morley has completed his training for becoming a WellCoaches Wellness Coach, a Ulan Nutritional Counselor, a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, and completed two levels of Jerry Tennant, MD’s Synergy Institute.

In 2012, Morley founded the Magnesium Advocacy Group, and remains the de facto leader of the Magnesium Advocacy Group on Facebook, with almost 200,000 members (and growing weekly). As a certified health coach with an expertise in Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), Morley has performed over 6,500 one-on-one consultations with clients from 45 countries around the world.

Morley has a mainstream medical industry background. He had been a hospital executive and consultant for 32 years when in Fall of 2008, he developed a condition called “frozen shoulder.” His family doctor recommended surgery as the only hope for Morley if he wanted to be able to lift his right hand above his waist ever again. Friends who owned a health food store intervened and encouraged Morley to try chiropractic care. His initial response: “Thanks guys, but I don’t do witchcraft.”

Several months later, the pain was unrelenting and continuing to wear on him, and his health food friends insisted. It only took a couple weeks of “light touch chiropractic care” (Network Spinal Analysis) before his shoulder had full range of motion once again. The experience was so life-changing for Morley, he questioned everything he knew—or thought he knew—about healing. He left the world of hospital administration and dove deep down the rabbit hole of natural healing, never to look back.

After reading scores of books and thousands of scientific studies and articles (and counting daily), Morley has come to realize what the scientific, peer-reviewed literature from around the world makes very clear—even though it is not well known in conventional medical circles: All disease is caused by inflammation, better described as “oxidative stress”. And the root cause of this inflammation/oxidative stress is “cellular metabolic dysfunction” which is caused by an imbalance and dysregulation of three key minerals: copper, magnesium, and iron. He views it as his life’s work to push back the tides of nutritional insanity, supplemental iron and is fully committed to educating as many people as possible about how they can reverse mineral imbalance and end the plague of fatigue that fuels chronic disease throughout the world.

[Cu]re: Your Fatigue

by Morley M. Robbins

There’s no better time than now  to turn your health around and get your health back on track!

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